Soyeon Kate Lee

First prize winner of the Naumburg International Piano Competition and the Concert Artist Guild International Competition, Korean-American pianist SoyeonKate Lee has been lauded by The New York Times as a pianist with "a huge, richly varied sound, a lively imagination and a firm sense of style," and by the Washington Post for her "stunning command of the keyboard.”

Highlights of recent seasons include performances at the National Gallery, Library of Congress, Gina Bachauer Concerts, Purdue Convocations, Music@Menlo, San Francisco Performances, Chamber Music Chicago, and the Cleveland Art Museum. She is a regular participant at the Great Lakes, Santa Fe and Music Mountain Chamber Music Festivals, as well as in programs for the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and Camerata Pacifica. Ms. Lee has collaborated with conductors Carlos Miguel Prieto, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Jahja Ling, and Jorge Mester with the London, San Diego, Hawaii, Louisiana, Naples symphony orchestras among others. 


She has given world premieres of works written by Frederic Rzewski, Marc-André Hamelin, Alexander Goehr, Gabriela Lena Frank, Texu Kim, and Huang Ruo, and her Naxos discography spans a wide range of repertoire including Scarlatti, Liszt, Scriabin, and Clementi. Ms. Lee’s recording of Re!nvented under the E1 label garnered her the Classical Recording Foundation’s Young Artist of the Year Award.

Soyeon Kate Lee is on the piano faculty at The Juilliard School and Bowdoin International Music Festival. She resides in New York with her husband, pianist Ran Dank, and their two children, Noah and Ella.

Julio Elizalde