Angela Wee

Violinist Angela Wee was born in New York and studied at The Juilliard School with Donald Weilerstein and Masao Kawasaki. 

Angela is a recipient of the 2021 Juilliard Career Advancement Fellowship Grant. She has also served as concertmaster of the Juilliard Orchestra and performed Strauss Ein Heldenleben under Maestro Karina Canellakis in September of 2019. In 2015, she won 2nd prize in the Sarasate International Competition in Pamplona, Spain where she performed with the Navarra Symphony Orchestra under Maestro Antoni Wit. In 2012, she participated in the Menuhin International Violin Competition in Beijing and was placed as a finalist. Other top prize victories include the 2013 Cooper International Violin Competition, Juilliard Pre-College Concerto Competition, 2nd prize in the 2013 Dorothy DeLay Fellowship Competition at the Aspen Music Festival, 3rd prize in the 2014 Klein International Competition, and 1st prize in the 2013 Salomé Chamber Orchestra Competition where she was awarded a Stradivarius to perform in Carnegie Hall. 

Since the age of six, Angela has performed in numerous grand venues and events such as Palacio Euskalduna, Auditorio de Baluarte, BBC Proms in Royal Albert Hall, Lincoln Center, Oheka Castle, Carnegie Hall, Lutoslawski Polish Radio Concert Hall, and Weiwuying Concert Hall. Her solo performances with stellar orchestras include the Navarra Symphony Orchestra, Poznań Symphony Orchestra, Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra, Massapequa Philharmonic, the New York Chamber Orchestra, and many more. She has been on major tours as a soloist in Europe with Maestro Antoni Wit and a multitude of orchestras from Bilbao, Pamplona, Poznan, Warsaw, London. 

At nine, she was invited as a guest performer for The Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall’s Isaac Stern Auditorium. She was also invited to perform a private recital at the French Consulate of New York City and the Bohemians New York Music Club with distinguished pianist Akira Eguchi. In 2017, she gave the world premiere of the work, “The Great Light” by Martin Sedek commissioned by R. Douglas Sheldon. 

Summer festivals she has participated in include Music@Menlo International Program and 2022 Winter Residency, Taipei Music Academy and Festival, Kneisel Hall, Starling DeLay Symposium, Mozarteum Summer Academy, David Finckel/Wu Han Chamber Intensive Program in Aspen, and Young Artist Program in Ottawa.

Angela has performed in the master classes of Zakhar Bron, Pinchas Zukerman, Sheryl Staples, Chee-Yun Kim, Paul Kantor, Peter Oundjian, David Kim, Sarah Chang, Cho-Liang Lin, Laurie Smukler, Robert McDuffie, Jorja Fleezanis, Frank Huang, and Ani Kavafian.